Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 20, 2013

Well, once again, not much happening on the farm this week.

This is who keeps dad company in the greenhouse!

In Your Share
·         Spinach
·         Lettuce
·         Winter Onons
·         Arugula

I don’t know about you, but I have been eating quiche nearly  every week now.  It makes a great breakfast, quick lunch or light supper (with a nice spinach salad!)
Arugula:  another item that can be added to almost anything to add some zing.  When I was in Italy, and starving after cycling all day, I ordered a pizza.  Being from the Midwest, I was anxiously awaiting an Italian specialty with meat!  I was so hungry for some meat.  But, since my Italian wasn’t very good, you can imagine my disappointment when a pizza topped with tomatoes, cheese and arugula was placed in front of me.  That’s it?  To my surprise, it was the best tasting pizza ever.  So I challenge you to try arugula in all sorts of things.  Here is a salad dressing for arugula:
                ¼ c balsamic vinegar
                1 tsp. Dijon mustard
                1 tsp. sugar
                ½ tsp. salt
                Freshly ground black pepper
                1 clove garlic, peeled and smashed on a cutting board
                ½ c extra virgin olive oil
                2 ounces shaved Parmesan
Whisk together the vinegar, mustard, sugar, salt, pepper, and garlic until the sugar and salt are dissolved.  While continuing to whisk, add the olive oil in a thin, steady stream until emulsified.  Taste and adjust the seasoning if necessary.  Pour some over the salad mix and add the shaved Parmesan on top.
Any remaining vinaigrette will keep for up to 2 weeks stored in a non-reactive container in the refrigerator.

Magic hangs out in the greenhouse on rainy days.
What’s Happening on the Farm
Not much!  There was some sun and dry weather last Sunday, so another bed of peas was planted in the outside garden as well as a few more beds tilled.  A lettuce mix and kohlrabi were seeded in the greenhouse.  Broccoli and cabbage plants have been hardening off outside, but I’m too leary of cold weather yet, and the fact that the garden hasn’t been dry enough to transplant into anyway.  The potatoes are waiting for some dry dirt as well.  And, Dad has been busy transplanting:  herbs, tomatoes, celery, peppers, kohlrabi and many more.  I think it keeps him from getting bored!


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